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Chapter 8: Avoid Scams And Hacking

Scamming and Hacking into accounts are unfortunatly very common in Runescape. The tips below will help you to protect your account from any hacking and scamming when playing.

Hacking Accounts The most common way that people can hack your account is that they get your password, whether it be from keyloggers, simply guessing it, or other advanced macro programs that are there today. Follow these tips to further protect your account.

1. Change your password often - I try to change my password at least 2 times a week. This prevents anyone from constantly gaining access to your account.

2. BE SURE TO SET YOUR RECOVERY QUESTIONS- This should be one of the first things that you do when you open an account. It is helpful not only for regaining access to your account if it happens to get hacked, but also in case you happen to forget it as well.

3. Never give your password to anyone for any reason- Never type your password in the chat screen.

4 . Be sure to run your virus program daily to detect any viruses. Trojan Viruses often carry keyloggers which can track what you are typing, including your password.

5. Make your password impossible to guess! I use a password strenth checker for this. A password strenth checker checks automatically how strong your password is. Click Here to check your passowd's STRENTH.

6. Use a Firewall on your computer - Using a Firewall is a great way to protect yourself from any unseen threats.

Common Scams:

Common Scams

1. Jagex hides your password - But they can see *** And people can guess.

2. Trimmed Armor - It is simply not possible to trim armor in the game. Trimmed armor comes only from treasure trails, or can be bought from other players.

3. Alt + F4 or Ctrl + W - Never press these keys together. Some players may tell you that you can double your items by pressing these keys on your keyboard. All this will do is make you drop all of your items in your inventory, and close out your Runescape window, leaving all the items for the scammer to pick up and run off or log out.

4. Buying Rune Items - Always be careful when buying or trading for Rune items. Many scammers will try to switch the Rune item for a Mithril item right before the final trade screen. ALWAYS DOUBLE CHECK THE FINALTRADE WINDOW!!

5. Beware of Beggars!! - There alot of players who have more than one account. They often have a "beggar account" which is a low level account they use to scrub items off of other players. They then will trade what items they recieved back to there main account. These are just a few of the scams that I have personally witnessed while playing, there are alot more, and new scams are being created everyday. Just be careful, and if you have doubts about anything, then don't do it! Only trust yourself! I once had a friend that guessed my recovery question, because he knew my pet's name. He stole all my items EVERYTHING! He gave them back though, LOL!! True Story!

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